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This study is a deliberation through a construction and structural analysis of a simple case study, but verypersuasive world heritage monument, Qusayr Amra. For a better integrated study approach, the monument within itsstructural setting is necessary to enhance its preservation considerations in the future. The overhaul of Qusayr Amracould be a curious subject of vigilant investigations for the stability issues of other architectural trends of ancient Arabworld. Some interpretation of the known resources conducted by previous researches in the focus; used for theliterature review including future tourism planning, management and sustainable visitor usage, the economic, socialand cultural growth of the Badiya region of Jordan. Such archaeology‟s structural documentation may allow us a betterbut assumed structural context. Knowing the composition of used materials and sustaining loads in such ancient stonewalled structural system may endure great importance for conservation approaches. An understanding of the ancienttechnology is also necessary when the burning question of restoration comes into reality. This study emphasized on apossible technological revision of Qusayr Amra‟s built structure in a hypothetical way. Conclusions andrecommendations have emerged from the mathematical analysis of common civil engineering and load bearing logic toassess the potential and current risks as generous appraisal for appropriate implementation in heritage conservationtechniques.
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