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The suggested session for the Visual Culture 2019 will consist of four presentations from the four educators and researchers who collaborated planning the course and its actualization. This session will convey methodology and results from an artistic & epistemological course held at KADK the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture, Design and Restoration. Through artistic drawing, the 250 students created a collaborative artwork consisting of more than two thousand images and pieces of glass. The course focused on the ways, architects and designers are trained, through artistic research and practice. The course lasted one week, and the program had lectures and daily assignments. The course was completed by an exhibition October 2018, in Copenhagen, Denmark. First presentation STILLEBEN (Jacob Sebastian Bang) A constellation and composition of glass objects. Through a series of rules and obstructions, you work with design in the effort to draw a compositionally and spatially strong utterance with an extensive authority. Second presentation CONTEXT (Kirsten Marie Raahauge) Choose a context for your previous drawing, both turning inwards by working with negatives, doubles, mirroring, distortions etc. and turning outwards, by combining with something else; images from the Internet, photos, drawings. Third presentation STAGING (Maria Sparre-Petersen) Consider how your work is going to be staged: why and for whom. Particularly, you should consider the means you use: what contexts, which staging, and which strategies of representation. This is part of an interpretation of your work. Fourth presentation SELFPORTRAIT (Anders Hermund) We can change the world by drawing. We depict something and suddenly we see something different. We frame, we contextualize and we stage. However, what is the nature of this “we” that sees? Does it exist at all? How important is it?

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Jacob Bang 1881
Scientific production

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