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Presentation abstract

This paper will present aspects of research from the ERC-funded project Genius before Romanticism: Ingenuity in Early Modern Art & Science. The project is producing a digital database of the iconography of ingenuity, which includes paintings, prints and drawings, emblems, book illustrations, and a range of artefacts. The paper will introduce the database, explaining its rationale, structure, and content. Selected case studies will be presented in order to outline the project's current, working definitions of "visual wit" in early modern visual culture. The database will be discussed in relation to the project's broader aim to provide the first, integrated account of ingenuity (ingenium) in Europe ca. 1450-ca. 1750.

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Main author information

Irene Cooper 2781
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Andres Velez Posada 112
Scientific production
Marta Cacho Casal 2955
Scientific production

