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To establish in the oral communication a dialog between Jesuits and Protestant popular catechetic prints we propose to focus on the well-known and widely used motive of the two ways (the wide and the narrow way, in combination with the motives of the tree of life, the New Jerusalem, Paradise, Hell and the crucifix). We believe that they could be considered a transconfessional genre which follows an originally Jesuit proposal for a popular catechetic print. To do so, we shall give, first, a quick overview of its importance, especially among Jesuit and Reformed – but also Anglican, Presbyterian and Lutheran – artists of the 16th to 18th century engravings, but also 19th century lithograhies. Our epistemological reference Aby Warburg (Nachleben, pathos formula). In the presentation, we argue that the performative effect of this special group of catechetic prints in all its different confessional expressions should be understood as, first, the Nachleben or the performative appeal of the antique motes of the Upsilon of Pythagoras and Hercules at the crossroad between virtue and vice,  and second, as Nachleben of biblical eschatological metaphors and the pathos articulated by them. By this, we reaffirm and at the same time amplify Aby Warburg´s understanding of the over living of Antiquity in Renascence Art and the biblical texts and metaphors as late antique literature.

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Helmut Renders (Brazil) 9084
Scientific production

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