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This talk investigates and looks at the creation and collection of image memories today. Memories which can be accessed by various sensory pathways. I will investigate this topic by exploring the interest of today’s youth in the participation of various tactile world experiences as leading to the collection and creation of visual memories. And over time, the creation of a full collection of visual memories. From this idea I will delve into what memory recall is, the sensory pathways of memory, and in particular, the memory of scent and the scent of memory. Explorations of youth interest in the participation of various tactile world experiences point towards a want to fully participate in the pleasures of the world by youth. And, in turn, the subsequent collecting of their experiences as both talking points and as wonderful memories on which to dwell. Due to the lack of deep sensory training in avenues of taste, smell, and touch, of many people, there is an opportunity for youth to focus on training these sense avenues to create powerful image memories that can easily be recalled through certain smells, textures, touches, and tastes. By bringing ephemeral image creation and the sensory recall of image memories into play, in regard to contemporary image collections we may begin to understand the world in new ways. These new ways may include the opening up of perspectives of things invisible, including sensation for example, as a viable and valued human and artistic dimension.
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