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  Abstract In 1898, Sir Ebenezer Howard (1850-1928) proposed a “Town-Country” unit, which in 1902 developed into the idea of the Garden City. This idea was put into practice in 1903 at a site north of London, thus becoming the world’s first garden city: Letchworth Garden City.However, Art-history scholarship seems to pay little attention to how, chronologically, relevant visual representations were made and what images they provide. This paper therefore focuses on this. I will, firstly, explore the images of the Garden City while the idea was proposed and, secondly, investigate how the visual representations produced after Letchworth was built (especially those made along with the Cheap Cottages Exhibitions,) create a natural, healthy and comfortable impression of the city.Although the research period is limited to a decade or so, this paper will, through detailed visual analysis, argue that this early period has seen Letchworth Garden City develop its own image of healthy dwelling and that this image lasts until today.

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Lin Chang (Taiwan) 10628
Scientific production

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