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In the 1990s, mobile phones started to become widespread; and in the 2000s, they took the term “smartphone”. The term smartphone can now be defined as phones which can perform most functions of a personal computer. Their functionality and portability made such technological devices widespread and they became a necessity in time. These devices, which are easy to access today, are used by a large age group of people. With aging, some abilities of the human body start to decline. Decreased capabilities make these devices difficult to use, especially for elderly people. Especially with the effect of age, there is a decrease in the hand and eye using capabilities in humans. It is not easy for elderly people who are confronted with this situation to make gestures on smart phones, to use software and to read articles. It seems that elderly people do not use most of the functions of these devices but use them mostly for phone calls. In addition, most manufacturers develop interface designs on the ability of people to make basic movement and read.In order to prevent the point of view which sees aging as an obstacle, it is important to develop mobile device software in accordance with most age groups. On the other hand, with these new generation usage features, we do not know what type of problems people will face when they get older. All people will get older one day. In this context, it is important to design correct and effective interfaces for elderly people.Aim of this study is to investigate the ability of elderly people to use smartphones with impaired hand and eye gestures. In addition, the study aims to present a suggestion and interface application about how the interfaces should be designed for today's and future’s elderly people.

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Semih Delil 3678
Scientific production

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