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This article aims to analyze the perceptions of literacy-teachers from public school in  Distrito Federal, regarding the Brazilian National Core Curriculum (BNCC), and the updating of the local curriculum, entitled Currículo em Movimento do Distrito Federal, which is in the implementation phase. For this, we interviewed four effective teachers from two public schools in Distrito Federal. The study, of a qualitative nature, was taken based on a semi-structured interview. The theoretical foundation was consolidated in authors of reference who approach upon curriculum, such as Sacristán (2013), Leite e Fernandes (2010) as well as in the BNCC legislation. The conclusions indicate that the perceptions of the literacy-teachers surveyed still reveal a scenario of uncertainties, just as knowledge at the referred curricular proposal based, mainly, on common sense. Moreover, the results emphasize the position of the teacher as a mere agent that concretizes the curriculum.

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Main author information

Alessandra de Paula (Brazil) 8745
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Laryssa Lima (Brazil) 8885
Scientific production

