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The article briefly reviews progress with regard to ideas about creativity and its relationship to current educational processes. From a conception based on a “group of theories and currents”, to an updated conception, creativity is redefined within a social and cultural phenomenon that itself changes, which is evident in the educational praxis, and, which mark a pedagogical culture contrary to creativity. Finally, relevant aspects that differentiate an education for creativity and a creative education are addressed, which taking the most relevant aspects of creativity in context and situated allow to conceptualize it, to include it in the new proposals for the curriculum. The idea is to consider the nodal points of a creatic model that includes interactionist, integrative and holistic proposals.

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Main author information

Carmen Gloria Burgos Videla (Chile)
Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias Sociales y Educación (IICSE) (Chile) 641
Directora IICSE -UDA Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Educación. Profesora de Educación General Básica, Licenciada en Educación, Maestría en Educación con mención en Diseño Curricular por competencias, Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Posee data formativa multidisciplinar: Cursos de filosofía política; filosofía de la educación, estudios especializados en Historia de las Ideas en América Latina, diplomado en Interdisciplina CEIICH-UNAM, cursos y seminarios de epistemología, curriculum latinoamericano, entre otras.
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