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Inclusive Education is an issue that has been explored to a great extent in the last decades. However, further study of the issue is still required, mainly in the Colombian context. Therefore, we decided to conduct this research related to the barriers that hinder the teaching/learning process of a visually impaired student in order to contribute to the existing literature on the matter. In order to achieve that, we gathered data by instruments such as: a questionnaire, class observations, and semi-structured interviews. These proceedings were carried out in a public school where the visually impaired student studies. Participants of this study include not only the visually impaired student but also 10 of his classmates, two of his teachers and his mother. After analysing the data qualitatively and quantitatively it was found that barriers such as lack of pre and in service teacher training, pedagogical strategies, and lack of materials affect to a greater extent the teaching/learning process of the visually impaired student. In addition, there is no clear correlation between bullying and the attitude of Cristian’s classmates with the fact that he is a visually impaired student.

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Diana Botero (Colombia) 8539
Scientific production

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