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Purpose: This research project explores the journey of bringing the Junior Cycle short course Coding into Irelands Post-Primary schools. This research examines the elements which hinder teachers, students and schools, and the factors which have a positive impact on their success in this new and expanding subject area.Methods: The research project utilised the Dynamic Comparison model of case study design; to provide a microanalysis of the impacts of the introduction of a short course Coding to two post-primary schools. Gerring and McDermott (2007) template on case study research was utilised as the framework which underpinned the study.Results: “The litmus test for any policy document is how it is put into practice” (Gray&Wilcox, 1995, p. 37). Over one hundred schools engaged with the programme. Six teachers who began as participants in the programme have now become associates who now lead the courses, aid and support schools and teachers and design the content and structure of the programme.Conclusion:This research outlines the impact of reforms to computer science education in Ireland, with a growing relevance in the economy and incressed investment in technology around the world, as well as the push for the subject to be adopted as a subject for all students. Mixing diverse teachers from different subject disciplines encourages broadmindedness in discussion and facilitates change in teaching and learning.

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Una Fleming 3885
Scientific production

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