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In spite of the significant presence of faculty in higher education institutions in meeting the needs of the society, being the creators of epochal ideas and the initiators of cultural transformation, they have been under the pressure of issues like increased competition and quantity taking the place of quality. As a result, academia, which should actually be the very embodiment of professional learning communities (PLCs), has become an environment where concepts like collegiality and justice are questioned. What PLCs can do in today’s academic world is to promote democratic learning environments through dialogue to serve for justice, encourage distributed leadership and shared decision-making. Objectives This study aims at examining the perceptions of the faculty and managers on organizational justice in the development of PLCs through the following research questions: What are the perceptions of the academicians about PLCs and organisational justice? What are the specific incidents experienced/observed by the participants with regards to organisational justice?What are the strategies suggested by the participants for PLCs to maintain organisational justice? Methods The study has a comparative qualitative approach. In order to increase the representativeness, the participants of managerial and non-managerial academicians have been chosen from foundation, state, urban and rural universities in Turkey and a non-profit private university in the US. Using snowball technique, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with the faculty (n=30). The instruments have been developed by the researcher relying on the related literature and obtaining expert opinion. For this study, partial research findings will be shared. Results Preliminary findings indicate that, while the faculty accept the existence of fair allocation resources and employee rights, they also mention the gender and racial issues together with being involved in decision-making process for as some faculty. 

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Burcu Erdemir 574
Scientific production

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