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Life purpose is an essential resource of resilience, which can be developed, learned and taught through educational activities. Under Martha Nussbaum’s premise, emotions are forms of an intentional conscience, in this direction, resilience resources can be –and should be– taught in academic experiences through socio-emotional learning strategies. This paper seeks to answer the question: “How directed socio-emotional learning strategies help students to develop or find life purpose?”  This is a study-case of PrepaTec’s Integral Tutoring System (SIT) that seeks to develop and strengthen student’s socio-emotional skills, to prepare persons not only for employment but more importantly, meaningful lives. Through an analysis of results of 240 high school junior students who responded to the Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES) and the Character Strengths Survey of the University of Pennsylvania. The outcomes yielded that 30% of the students’ least developed character strength was Spirituality and Faith, character strength tight bounded to have a life purpose. Helping students to develop their life purpose is a way to provide individual resources to cope for future daily adversities or unexpected misfortunes. Some of the findings after comparing results from junior and senior students, and their metacognition reflections, are that having a tutor-teacher who companions a student during whole high school, does not have a meaningful impact on academic results, but a qualitative difference in the emotional growth of the student.

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Main author information

Claudia López (Mexico) 8696
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Fernando Mora (Mexico) 8869
Scientific production

