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In the countries where immigrants are located, all processes, such as the entry, settlement, work, education and expulsion of foreigners, require states to develop migration policies. Comprehensive integrated programs are required, including the responsibilities of migrants, the lifestyles they must follow, and learning the country's language. Immigrants' lifestyles in the countries they come from are determined by the laws and rules of state policies as well as the characteristics and attitudes of the host society. However, the positive results of the interaction for both communities depend to a large extent on the subject of education. From a sociocultural and socioeconomic perspective, the teaching of the language of the migrated country is the most important part of the adaptation.Due to Syrian Civil War nearly four million Syrians came to Turkey. Syrians in Turkey are under temporary protection. Temporary protection refers to those who are under immediate protection in order to provide immediate solutions to mass migration events, such as those from Syria. Turkish government made education plan for Syrians in Turkey.In this study, the blended language learning model developed for adult Syrian language learning is discussed. Blended learning environments, combining traditional learning and online learning, are thought to be effective for the needs of adult Syrians. This study will discuss the suitability of language education of Syrians. The process of preparing and implementing a language teaching program in a blended environment will be emphasized and a teaching application will be included. The results from the implementation of the program will also be presented.Keywords: Migration, blended learning model, use of technology in language teaching
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