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Twenty-first century learning and skills call for tertiary mobility students to be prepared with global skills, interculturality and global competence. Study abroad programs offer a context in which tertiary mobility students can potentially learn about global competence and intercultural communication. Although much work has been done on studying abroad programs in the United States with students coming to Europe, little attention is being paid to students at mobility level at Spanish universities in regard to attitudes on global competence and interculturality. This research investigates study abroad college students’ intercultural attitudes and their understanding of global competence in the Spanish higher education arena. In order to determine how students self-assess according to the OECD framework for global competence, an ad hoc questionnaire was developed based on this framework. This study which was conducted via survey model consisted in 537 students (402 females, 133 males) across universities in Spain. Findings suggest that study abroad students frequently check to understand others correctly, listen carefully to others, and they show interest in how people from various cultures see the world. Further, college students seem to be interested in finding about other people’s cultures. These results have potential implications for promoting students’ awareness to be prepared for a multicultural society.
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