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This communication analyzes the consequences of the university practices developed with migrants and refugees in the South of Brazil. The contemporary migration processes have required actions to provide a more cosmopolitan life, enabling the society to manage situations that go beyond the borders of our own country. In the last years, Brazil has received thousands of solicitations to shelter refugees, mainly from Venezuela. Considering this scenario, Unisinos University has created a program of communitarian attention for migrants and refugees received in the nearby cities. Through this program, professors, undergraduate, and graduate students work with these communities in plenty of projects, seeking to develop the autonomy of the migrants and to change some cultural values of the region. As a result, we have observed the gradual transformation of human geography, as well as the transformation of some university training processes. Taking into consideration the university practices that have already been done, and others we would like to develop, the main question is: which curricular practices could engage students, professors, and community to develop a life more open to the other and with cosmopolitan, universal values? The extension courses taught by students and professors have important effects for every individual involved. Analyzing these effects, we apply some conceptual tools we believe can guide the professional training at the university and the comprehension of the contemporary migration processes. At the same time, this discussion can enrich the Multicultural Education field. These concepts are the notion of in/exclusion, stigma, and difference. In conclusion, we argue that experiences between refugees and the body of students and faculty have the potential for producing a society for everyone. A society where professionals trained by the university, faculty, and the general community values human rights and can develop a cosmopolitan ethos.

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Main author information

Viviane Ines Weschenfelder (Brazil)
Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) (Brazil) 3982
Viviane has a Ph.D. and a Master's degree in Education from Unisinos University. She is graduated in History and Pedagogy. In 2017, she developed a doctoral internship at the University of Wisconsin - Madison/USA. Viviane has experience as a teacher and as a pedagogical coordinator in primary schools. Nowadays, she works as an Assistant Professor at Unisinos University, teaching undergraduate and specialization courses, as well as coordinating teacher training at the Innovation, Evaluation, and Teacher Education Department. She is a member of the two groups of research, about Teaching, Pedagogies, and Differences (GIPEDI/UNISINOS/CNPq) and Inclusion (GEPI/UNISINOS/CNPq). She works with themes related to race relations and education, affirmative politics, teacher education, cultural differences, and processes of inclusion/exclusion. She is the author of the book “Processos de (in)visibilidade do sujeito negro: o Jornal de Venâncio Aires/RS em questão”, published by Edunisc (2015).
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Co-authors information

Maura Lopes (Brazil) 8866
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Isamara Allegretti (Brazil) 8949
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