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The term linguistic landscapes refers to the physical appearances of linguistic items in public places, e.g. on road signs and government buildings. One can learn much about attitudes towards languages, especially minority and mingrant languages from examining whether and where these languages are found in the linguistic landscapes of different areas. The study of linguistic landscapes is a relatively new field in linguistics, and much work has been done on them in recent decades. However, relatively few studies have focussed on the linguistic landscapes of regional cities, e.g. Newcastle in Australia or Gifu in Japan. Arguably these cities are of particular interest, as large cities such as Sydney or Osaka would be expected to have a high degree of multilingualism, and rural areas would not be expected to have many languages in their linguistic landscapes.This paper will look at linguistic landscapes in regeional cities in a range of countries, including Australia, Japan, China, and Turkey. Each of these countries has a different situation with respect to minority languages (including the official recognition of them, or lack of it), but common features will be described. Data will be drawn from public and commercial signs and various types of ephemera such as bookmarks, pamphlets on government services, and menus.

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Alan Libert (Australia) 7731
Scientific production

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