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Pakistan’s national literary legend Allama Iqbal (1877-1938): a Muslim poet, philosopher and politician in British India. He wrote his works in Persian and Urdu and is cherished and talked about whenever the subject of Pakistani literature comes up. He is a visionary national poet of not only Pakistan but of the entire Islamic World which is why he’s also the famous poet of Iran. No wonder, He was a revolutionary writer with great consciousness and precision who gave philosophical ideas regarding universe in a quite new way.His concept of revival and revolution did not only lead to the creation of Pakistan, but also gave a new breath and the sense of revolution to the Islamic world and East. Allama Iqbal was the bright symbol of Islamic culture in the South Asia. In my research paper I shall discuss the philosophical thoughts regarding revival,self-knowledge, harmony and revolution in Allama Iqbal's poetry as well as the history of Eastern philosophy and the trends of contemporary Pakistani art, poetry and culture.

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Muhammad Kamran (Pakistan) 8140
Scientific production

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