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This article aims to study the presentation of a female character in a Thai film entitled Tears of the Black Tiger (2000), which was the first Thai film to ever win international awards. Although the movie features only one prominent female character, it refers to different character portrayals. Rampoey, the female protagonist, represents the “female-passive”, a “looked-at object” and “weakness”. Moreover, the polarity of the masculine-feminine construct, the distinction between social classes and roles, and types of sexual harassment are also reviewed. The analysis framework was originally inspired by Mulvey’s Visual and Other Pleasures, a book which depicts the pleasure that men have toward women. For Mulvey, women are seen as sex-objects who can stimulate sexual desire in men. In summary, the study may provide a critical analysis of the female character which could allow for better understanding of general women and their female identity in Thai society.Keywords: female-object, female-ness, female-passive, sexual object, sex-desire, sexual harassment

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Wanwarang Maisuwong (Switzerland) 8213
Scientific production

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