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The teaching of Greek in Costa Rica dates back to the first years of his independent life. Like the English language, these two languages ​​have played, over time, an important role in the political, economic, social and cultural development of Costa Rica. The first teaching house founded in the country happened in the year 1814, even when we belonged to the kingdom of Guatemala, as specified in the times of the colony. For that historical moment, Greek, English and French were taught in the teaching house of Santo Tomás, an institution founded by the Jesuit brothers. This is how from that time, the teaching of these foreign languages ​​began to enter into an interesting role, which we can discover through this study. The teaching of foreign languages ​​in Costa Rica has always been associated with the economic and political development of Costa Rica. This proposal that is intended to be presented will be offering a historical tour of the teaching of foreign languages ​​in Costa Rica and how they have been linked to the economical development, not only in Costa Rica, but also in Central America.

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Edwin Marin-arroyo 1201
Scientific production

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