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“Partners’ Memorial” composed of seven glazed walls is located on the south side of Taipei 101, an important landmark in Taiwan. Because of the bright color and eye-catching shape, the memorial has become an popular spot for tourists and passengers to stop and take pictures, but few people know that it is in honor of the dead workers caused by the 331 earthquake in 2002. This thesis explores the origin of the memorial , and analyze the space and inscriptions of Partners' Memorial as narrative text. It then designs three tour guides to conduct visitoers research, collect multiple interpretations in the interaction, and explore how the past communicates with the present.y.Findings show that the names of workers would be included on the memorial. The selection processes were open and democratic, from the collection and vetting of names to the arrangement of these names on the memorials. Moreover, all sectors of society as well as workers were expected to be involved in creating the memorial in order to foster sense of community. If a memorial expresses superficial sympathy to the victims while avoiding assigning responsibility for the memorialized incident/injury, viewers may be more prone to experience negative feelings and adopt an opposing interpretation of the memorial text. The best commemoration to the past involves continuous interaction and communication with the present. Establishing a labor memorial using a democratic participation approach promotes community identity and subsequently creates a platform for public dialogue among those who view the memorial after it has been installed and dedicated. Only by creating democratic participation through action can we move towards the publicness of collective memory.
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