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With digitization, our perception of technology has shifted from the fear of Big Brother to the pleasures of Big Data. The society of control is nowadays boosted through practices of positive reinforcement – as in animal behaviorism – to reshape our own psyche (psychopolitics). We’re living in the aftermath of a brutal disruption: ICTs have short-circuited the traditional rules of global markets, reshuffling many of the previous social structures. Looking through the eyes of a computer clarifies a lot of things: data are binary by constitution. Relying on data involves a symbolic deflation, an expressive non-ambiguity. This also creates an important difference between information and knowledge: the former a process, the latter a state. “Information society” is one in which information is emptied of any relation to “meaning”. Byung-Chul Han calls this dataism: a new religion whose effect is «the hypnotic abdication of reason and will, and the faith in these omnipresent and seemingly omniscient forces that we trust, without a sliver of verification, to be on our side» (Williams, 2018, p. 87). The first outcome of such an environment is the disintegration of privacy, now considered «a competitive good, assuming that “consumers” engage only with services that offer the level of privacy they seek» (Zuboff, 2019, p. 167). We can’t treat privacy as a property right anymore and protect it with property laws. «The very nature of information is so different from the properties of material resources that it defies all methods of measurement […] I can sell it to you and keep it at the same time. It doesn't wear out [and] it increases in value with use» (Garfinkel, 2000, p. 224). Digital nativity is no longer sufficient: if we wish not to be passively subjugated, we need to be technologically competent  

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Mário Marques da Silva (Portugal) 10724
Scientific production

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