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This work describes the   various learning spaces that   integrate the   use of technological devices both inside and outside of the classroom to introduce course topics.  The   work focuses on   teaching-learning combined using technological devices, not discrete issues, to prepare students to use technology  to figure  out how to accomplish specific tasks.   In addition to an   increased facility  with  technology,  students  became  more organized  outside  of  class,  maintaining  their  schedules  and  tasks, exchanging information  between them  and  handheld  devices  and  finding  uses for  wireless Internet access.The   investigation took  place  in  rural  primary  school  from  Sarapiquí  and   the population  studied  were,   sixth  graders,  English  teacher  and   parents  of  the students.

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Main author information

Ronny Carmona Miranda (Costa Rica) 8412
Scientific production

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